Thursday, May 31, 2007

Fadeproof J. Beautiful

yep, that's me! i'm a pimp, according to this site. or i should say, this is my pimpin' name...along with Big Playah Gillen Schmoove and Suede Jodi Flow. (this second name sounds like it belongs on a box of tampons, if you ask me.)

my students are always calling me their "pimp" or telling me that i'm "pimpin", which i've learned over the course of this school year, is actually a pretty awesome compliment. i've asked for clarification several times on the whole 'pimpin' idea, and their answer is pretty much the same: i'm a pimp because i've got their backs. i listen to them, care about them, and will advocate for them.

it's easy to be a pimp for them...after all, i've got the greatest dude in the world pimpin' for me. (uh, i'm referring to the son of god here, and i mean NO disrespect. i honestly think HE has a sense of humor!)

so...i wonder what jesus' name would be if we 'pimpafy' it?

let's plug it in and see what we get:
  • Funk Master J. Shizzle
  • President Large
  • G. Digital Jesus Kicks

personally, i'm diggin' the Funk Master J. Shizzle.

jesus done got his shizzle on.

thanks for bein' my pimp, Funk Master. you are absolutely da' man!

1 comment:

anna said...

i'm at work and i'm laughing out loud.

here's me:

Funk Master A. Tickle
Dopetastic Copeland Slick
Silver Tongue Anna Sweetness