tersie challenged some of us on her blog to share eight things about ourselves. in other words, i was one of the persons that she "tagged". so, here's my list ~ and i've tried to come up with some items that i've never discussed on my blog before...
1. i hate traveling long distances in a car. and by "long distances", i mean anything over a couple of hours. it's toooooo claustrophobic for me. i break out in a cold sweat just thinking about it. traveling by plane is okay, though. no problems there.
2. always having a list of things to do is very comforting to me. (see these past blogs for more insight and information.) i don't always get everything done, but that's usually okay.
3. i think that god's most perfect food can be found at crispie creme donuts in chillicothe: the round chocolate doughnut with chocolate icing on top and creme in the middle. i buy them only once or twice a year. and yep, i know they're bad for me, but i don't care. i consider them a small slice of heaven.
4. i love a good nap. this may seem like it gets in the way of #2, but it really doesn't. i don't get to take naps very often, but when i do...mmmmmmm.
5. lilacs are the best-smelling thing on earth. period.
6. with apologies to any men who might read this...i would rather visit my gynecologist than my dentist, anytime. shots in my mouth ~ good grief. at least at my yearly gyno appt., it's pretty much wham-bam with the speculum and you're good to go for another year. :)
7. i do the columbus dispatch sunday crossword puzzle and cryptoquip every weekend.
8. being crafty helps make my world go 'round. especially stamping. i've thanked God on more than one occasion that i have a hobby that i love.
okay, i now "tag" anyone else who reads this post...
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
11 months ago
i bet the gyno isn't at the top of your list after getting stood up at your appt. today :)
Thanks for playing along Jodi! I enjoyed learning a few things about you. I also love those crispie creme donuts! Clark got me hooked on them. Darn him! hehehe ... I haven't had one in ages. mmmmmmm ....
And I have to agree about lilacs. I had a lilac bush in my back yard. Emphasis on the word HAD. My stepdad just cut it down last week! He said it was rotting and it will grow back stronger now. I hope so. I will miss it next spring. :(
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