nah, i don't have an STD...but hopefully i've just made you giggle, or at least you want to read the rest of this entry to find out what the heck i'm talking about...
my blog post title is actually the title of a report two junior high boys did on chlamydia. they asked me to proofread it, and then i typed it for them. i learned that "you may think that chlamydia is the name of a really hot chick that lives down the street. but it's not! it's a disease that ruins lives!!!" (quoting the boys, there) heehee...not that i think STDs are funny, but oh my gosh, you should've read their rather humorous take on the whole thing. i can't wait to see the power point presentation they've put together for this. :)
you've heard of how a person's computer can be confiscated and their hard-drive ransacked for evidence of misbehavior? well, God help whoever investigates me, 'cause i've learned more about syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomonas, and genital warts and herpes in the past week than i've ever wanted and my hard drive is full of it. articles, statistics, advice, even pictures. yep, it's all there.
my kids are doing STD reports in health, and they are REQUIRED to download and print "school appropriate" pictures of the symptoms of these STDs for posters and power point slide shows. do you know how hard it is to google "syphilis" and not get icky, red, pus-infected pics of HOO-HA'S??? good grief. talk about nasty.
the funny thing (or maybe not, if you're being a prude), is how my kids have asked me for their info...
"mrs. gillen, i have gonorrhea and need to know if a condom will prevent it."
you get the idea. and yes, before anyone posts to complain...i know that there are kids this age who are sexually active. (i've had students with babies before.) but these kids who have asked me for help have been so literally grossed out by what they're researching, it gives me hope that they will remain celibate. at least for a little while.
after all, chlamydia ain't no fun.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
11 months ago
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