Sunday, April 8, 2007

beyonce + jodi =

okay, so i've changed the name of my blog. for you newcomers, "jodi-licious" was part of a comment made by a friend of new york jodi's in response to a previous post.

i must admit, "jodi-licious" sounds like some sort of wicked porn name ~ still, it was on the urging of my pastor's wife and beautiful friend that i adopt "jodi-licious" as my blog title, so that makes it perfectly legit.

a couple of years ago, some of the 8th grade boys took to calling me "beyonce", because, as one of them said, i was "booty-licious". maybe, subconsciously, i am acknowledging my booty-liciousness by adopting this new blog name.

yep. that's probably it.


lauren. said...

good choice =)

evans_girl said...

With regard to the porn name, I have read (in Entertainment Weekly?) that if you take your childhood pet's name and the street you grew up on...well, that's the perfect porn name: MISSY LINDEN.