i'm feeling really frustrated.
while i had initially hoped that this blog would provide an honest outlet for my emotions, i am not successfully achieving that objective.
i am not allowing myself to be genuine with, specifically, my anger and frustration, because my blog is being read by others. and let's face it, people do talk and make judgements.
i mentioned last week that i feel bad about letting others down. but to be rather blunt, i am feeling let down by others and i don't really know what to do about it. it's not just work, or at home...it's everywhere.
leo says that i bring most of this on myself. i need to either learn to say "no" or check my motives for saying "yes". he's absolutely right. my anger and frustration stem from this very principle.
i'm tired.
i'm tired of going the extra mile, for what seems like everyone else, without even an acknowledgment of thanks. especially at work.
i'm tired of feeling unappreciated.
i'm tired of being counted on automatically, to do a little bit of everything.
i'm tired of not being heard.
i'm tired of being at everyone else's convenience.
i'm tired of being an after-thought.
i'm feeling dried up, used up, and taken for granted.
i'm tired of other adults talking to me in tones that i would never dream of taking with them.
in short, i'm pissed.
and i'm not apologizing for saying that i'm pissed, either. think less about me if you want to. at this moment, i don't really care. i've spent my whole life apologizing for everything, and lately, that habit's been creeping back in. i can't go back to that. i can't go back to making apologies. it's too exhausting. and i'm already exhausted.
i need refilled.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 380
11 months ago
I Love YOU!!! It's ok to be pissed! Call me if you need to get away and vent or just have dinner and chat.
i hope you know that i appreciate you and i love you very much. =)
i wish you could grasp the impact you've had on me and surely many other students that you've had.
it's actually refreshing to see your humanness- that you're pissed and vulnerable about it.
but please know you are appreciated very much by MANY; i'm sorry things are stinky right now.
i love you!!
*jodi-licious rules! i want to be you! you are an awesome individual whom i love with all my heart...i am the privileged one, girl...let all your yuckiness out right here...your friends who are reading this are not judging you, but learning from you and appreciating all your real-ness! and for all the ones out there who don't agree...piss on 'em! boy, that felt good...real good!
Jodi - you're beautiful, even when you're feeling frustrated, used up and unappreciated. THANK YOU for your big heart that doesn't like to say no. THANK YOU for always being willing to lend an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold. Thank you for being open and honest. Thank you for being you. :)
You are more appreciated than you will know. I came home and my lawn was mowed again! It looks so nice. Thank you for all you do for me.
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