Wednesday, April 7, 2010

photo no. 382

kate's favorite thing in life is taking pictures of herself.  you have no idea how many hundreds of digital shots i have deleted that look exactly like the one below.

my students at school are the same way.  (what amazes me is just how talented these kids are at holding the camera at arm's length and actually snapping a photo with their face in the frame.)

my ornery daughter has been chastised repeatedly for taking so many photos of herself, but lo and behold, she keeps inventing new facial expressions that need to be pixelated.  oh, and here's the kicker with kate ~ if i told her tomorrow that we were going to have portraits taken, she'd throw the biggest fit.  "mom! (whiny voice). do i have to?!  (more whining)."  i can't win. 

but on the flip side, she is pretty darn cute.

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